Crop Protection

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2    3                   


3. Occurs between organisms for resources (11)
5. Tiny insect pests which have a needle like mouth part for extracting liquids from plant tissues. (6)
6. Chemicals used to control pests. (10)
8. Organism which feeds from another organism at its cost. (8)
10. Type of worm found in almost all environments. (8)
12. Reduction of a pest population by the deliberate introduction of one of its natural enemies. (10,7)
13. Chemicals used to kill fungi. (10)
14. Cultural means of weed control whereby the soil is turned over. (9)
15. Type of weedkiller designed to only remove certain types of plant. (9)


1. Chemical used as a weedkiller. (9)
2. Substances which are short-lived and break down naturally. (13)
3. Cultural means of weed and disease control whereby plants are grown in different fields every year. (4,8)
4. Chemical used to kill mites. (8)
7. Unwanted plants. (5)
8. Organisms which cause disease. (9)
9. Vast population of a single crop species. (11)
11. Slugs and snails. (8)